I think music is more important than most people, maybe because I've been a musician for so long the old brain cells get wrapped around the whole mystery of intervals, harmony, melody, modes, rhythm - it's and endless dance, a puzzle that is eternally unsolveable yet with a simplicity anyone can understand just by stilling themeslves and listening.
There is a deeper underlying mystery with music, the way it connects with space and time. Take swing for example - a form of musical rhythm that bends time, or at least gives our ears that impression. In swing the regular musical pulse is distorted giving the impression that there is less 'time' in between the beats than their actually are. this give the mind and body a signal that triggers a dance response. The universe at the most fundamental level constructed from vibrating energy strings and I think that musica is the highest reflection of our connection with the universe we live in.
I've been playing stringed instruments for over forty years. Currently I'm involved as a bass player and drum programmer in The Blues Raiders, a three piece that play a couple of times a month in Bar La Noria, Olvera, Spain.