Someone gave me a PC to repair and at boot it made a few beeps and died. I thought the first thing to try was to reset the motherboard, but couldn't see any jumpers so I searched Google with the model number of the motherboard and the single word 'reset' which seemed reasonable enough, and I know in the past would have found what I was looking for.
Here is a screen-shot of the result returned by Google:

I was unimpressed with the result (one item found - in French!!!) and suspicious that Google was ignoring a lot of useful web pages. I did exactly the same search in Bing and got over 5000 results:

Now that's more like it! What I would expect to see are links to Yahoo Answers, Fixya, Stackoverflow, Experts Exchange. None of that with Google.
Over the years Google has been trying to limit the amount of what it considers to be spam, low quality pages with little useful information. It has changed its seach engine algorithm many times in an effort to achieve this but in so doing has made the results it has returned in this instance to be completely valueless, whereas the results returned by Bing are full of links to pages with useful information.
From now on I'm not going to Google it, I'm going to BING IT!!